Years ago, Snowbowl used to be my favorite place to be, all winter. Now, it’s taken a 180-degree turn into what I think is caused by a corporate nightmare. It’s much more expensive these days and still crowded with the same amount of people, and even though they added a couple lifts over the years it’s still the same size, guys?! Also, the atmosphere just seems different, and mostly not in a good way. I’ll start with the positive: They definitely have more staff cleaning the bathrooms now—thank goodness for those few souls who stuck it out pre-corporate when they were running around trying to help everyone at the same time, they deserve a medal. On the flip side, most of the staff seems fake and corporate-y now. You used to know almost all the staff by name, and they are still friendly enough, but it’s not the same. There are a couple good bartenders, the only one whose name I can remember is Jasmine, and the other was a younger gentleman at the lower bar area. On separate occasions they both made me feel welcome and talked to me the whole time I was there, all while keeping up with other people’s orders. Until you can bring back the small-town vibe I paid so much for, I’ll be going to Sunrise this year.