3-stars because of the slopes, lifts, amenities and prices. The beginner slopes are good since they are not too steep to cause too much momentum, but not too flat to lose momentum. Just the right steepness for learning and practicing the basics. The more intermediate slopes had lots of powder and pretty fun turns for intermediate-beginner level. Lifts were adequate and seemed safe. There is a bar in the dining area, and plenty of parking near the lodge.
Minus 2-stars because of the service. Dealing with their managerial staff was very frustrating and upsetting. Someone took my board while we were eating lunch. I rented that board from Sports Basement and the board looked like the rental board from Boreal itself. After an hour of looking, waiting, and investigating; I concluded someone must've mistaken my board for theirs since there was a very similar board near the slot on the same rack where I put mine and it was still there hours later. A passerby told me to tell the staff since the same thing happened to their friend's rental board and the staff gave their friend a replacement board. Told the rental staff what I concluded and he called for a higher level staff. This higher level staff told me I was probably mistaken. He said that similar board left near where mine was might just belong to someone who was taking a very long break, and he could not give me a replacement board since we could not be sure that it was switched. He told me to file a lost & found report. Fair. That was completely understandable so I filed a lost & found report and went back looking for my board. After another hour, that similar board was still on the same spot. So I went back to that higher level staff, this time repeating what I concluded. I pointed out that it had been more than a couple hours now and it was also way passed lunch time (only a few boards were parked outside the lodge) yet the similar board was still on the rack untouched. While I'm trying to explain this, he kept on interjecting and cutting me off before I could finish my point. So, I went and took that similar board to show him, but he told me very strongly to put it back because someone might be looking for it even though it had been with me for less than 3 minutes. He acted as if I stole it. I put back the board on the same spot, but I was very upset by this point. It took a lot of effort to make that snowboarding trip happened and I almost didn't go since I had a full-blown cold, but I really wanted to snowboard so I came to the resort only to spent the majority of my time trying to be heard by the staff. Also, the stress of thinking about the cost of replacing the board was weighing on me. Him being dismissive and just downright unsympathetic just added to my distress. I might had already started crying by this point. I called Sports Basement (whose customer support rep was very understanding and kind) to report the lost. That rep wanted to talk to the Boreal staff regarding the logistics of the board's recovery. So, I went back to that higher level staff, but this time he told me his shift was almost over and to go to the customer service desk and talk to a manager. Waited in line and talked to an assistant manager. I tried to give her the phone, but she was very reluctant to take it and told me as long as I filed the report then they would contact Sports Basement if they found the board. She also told me they could not be sure it was switched even though it had been more than three hours later and not many boards were left outside the lodge. Ended my call with the Sports Basement rep (who was very supportive and told me not to worry about the lost board). I was definitely crying by this point due to the stress and being dismissed in person. By this point, I didn't care about getting a replacement board. I just wanted to get my rented board back and went back to the customer service desk to check if someone returned it. That assistant manager cut me off before I finish talking and told me they cannot give me a free board. A replacement board was not even my intention this time so her response was infuriating. I walked away, but I was mad. So, I went back and asked another staff (who looked concern) if I can speak to a manager about a complaint (while mad crying). That staff came back and said I could file a complaint report. So, I filed one on that desk while crying. That assistant manager was close by helping other customers and saw me the whole time, but never said a single word to me even in between helping others.
Before we left, went to the customer service desk one last time to check if someone has returned my lost board (no one did), and I passed by the rack where I'd last seen my board. That very similar board was still there more than 6 hours later.
It would've been minus 3 stars, but then I remember the friendly staffs who worked the lifts and the staff by the customer service desk who looked concern for me when she saw me crying.