Holimont is an excellent alternative to holiday valley. They get compared a lot since they're next door to one another.
I love both resorts. Holiday valley is undoubtedly bigger with several viable staging areas and multiple high speed lifts. Holimont has two or three staging areas and only one lodge, but it's a great lodge. Holimont is usually less packed, but there can be lines especially at the only lift that feeds from the main lodge and this is worse when lessons are beginning, compounded when they're hosting an event or competition.
The runs are a major strong point for the resort. Given it's size, there's a great mix of different runs and a wonderful collection of black diamonds to rotate between and lap. Each of them is longer than the short straight shots that are the black diamonds at Holiday. Each is beautifully manicured with really spectacular views, reasonably engaging headwalls and speedy run outs.
They could use a high speed chair at cascade.
They could use to stagger their kids programs more to relieve congestion in the lodge. There's a culture where people picnic all day at the tables, tying them up endlessly. If you're just coming in from a morning of skiing, finding a table can be very stressful. You hunt and lap hoping to find a spot open up and get the kids fed and back out to their afternoon sessions in time.