Snowboarding for the first time not knowing at all of how to snowboard and only having the knowledge of skateboarding was an incredible experience. Mainly the staff were fantastic, they help you so much so you understand every little part and they encourage you and always have a positive vibe so you know your not feeling nervous and scared because they are always there for you. I can only say that I went there for 2 days but in those 2 days I went from bearly knowing how to ride a snowboard to riding down there mountain with ease and maybe I wasn’t good I don’t know but I didn’t feel scared or nervous because the staff/instructors were always there helping you and making sure you were enjoying your self and making sure you felt safe. I can personally say that my instructor ‘Sam’ was incredible. He was always there helping me and in 2 days I was already onto blue runner corses. Sam was always there when you needed help and explained everything very clearly so you could understand how to do things. If any of the staff reads this please either give Sam a gift of some sort for how helpful he was he was truly amazing. Overall this place is amazing and I recommend it to anyone that doesn’t want to spend a whole lot of money. Staff, you guys are amazing and keep up the good work.
Ps. I could probably write a whole essay on how good this place is so I shortened it down a lot otherwise I would write a whole lot more.