I came to Cascade for my first time at the end of the 2021 season, they had a good year and let anyone with a season pass from any other local resort go for free the last week or two they were open. Between that and kids skiing free, it really gives you a taste of what kind of place this is and how it's ran. It's got a great group of people working there, very friendly and you can tell the resort is a nice mom and pop place owned by people who like the sport.
It's Wisconsin, you aren't going to get a massive hill. But the lifts are fast, even if there's a little line it moves pretty quick compared to some of the other resorts in SE Wisconsin. And you have a lot of choices on which runs to go down (compared to other SEWi resorts) so they don't get too congested.
There are a few runs that are pretty long for Wisconsin, and you have the choice to leave the blue/green runs that are long and take several different black diamond runs. I find you have a lot of choice of where you're going to go at Cascade. Most Wisconsin resorts are just riding one lift up the mountain then choosing between two or three runs to go down. Cascade gives you a lot of options when you go down the hill, and it makes it a lot of fun.
They have really relaxed on trees, they now have about 5 acres of glades and trees you can run. This year we have been really hurting on natural snowfall, but I went through the glades two days ago, they were in pretty good shape all things considered.
Out of all the places I've been in Wisconsin, Cascade is the most like being out West on an actual mountain. I live next to another good resort in WI, about 25 minutes from me, and I'll still gladly make the hour and a half trek out to Cascade because it's a lot of fun there. I also greatly appreciate the different options for season passes, being able to have a pass that works once a week Monday through Thursday is awesome and it's greatly appreciated they do it. In fact I would say Cascade does a lot of things like this to try and get people out and having fun. I respect that and the people who run the place a lot for doing what they do, kids skiing free with a paid adult, alternative season passes, that bonus last year of letting people with season passes from other resorts ski for free (I really don't expect it to happen every year but it was still awesome of them to do).
Yeah, it's Wisconsin, it's not a 5000 foot mountain. But for a Wisconsin resort Cascade is easily one of the best around here. They take good care of the snow, groom everything well, and are pretty aggressive with opening up runs at the start of the season. Cascade is some of the most fun you can have snowboarding and skiing in Wisconsin. It's very family friendly and it's a really great place to spend a day.