Know what to expect and you won't be disappointed, as with many things in life. This isn't Stowe or Vail so get that out of your mind and consider what you're getting. It's literally an hour from NYC (they're not exaggerating) and the midweek lift tickets are the cheapest you can find (unless you'd rather drive the 2+ hours to save 5 bucks at Catamount). It's set up to be pretty beginner-friendly and I saw a lot of people, from kids to adults, getting lessons on a midweek, non-holiday. I think there were more people in lessons than on the lifts. It's also very kid friendly and the staff are very friendly and attentive.
So use the mountain for what it is. To get your fix when you absolutely need to shred some snow, but don't want to spend 5-7 hours getting there and back again. Perfect for day trips and for bringing family/beginners that just want to spend some time on the snow together. I suggest going on a midweek morning/early afternoon because you'll have the place to yourself. Around 3:30 all the local school kids will descend upon the mountain, and it gets pretty crowded.