I skied Hoodoo on a bluebird spring-like day in the 3rd week of March 2021, after having skied Mount Bachelor the four prior days. Having driven by Hoodoo on my way to Bend, and being an advanced skier, I had very low expectations for the mountain, and only went there because I was introducing two young lads to skiing and thought I would be on the easy-rider lift with them most of the day.
Fortunately for me, my pupils for the day took to skiing like ducks to water, and after two hours with them I was able to explore the rest of the mountian (except the NW facing terrain under the Hodag chair, which wasn't running that Friday).
I'm a life long skier and my favorite flavor is "steep & deep," but when I can't find that I'll take steep and skiable. So here is the big surprise about Hoodoo, Hoodoo has plenty of steep for a small mountain! In fact, if you are an advanced skier, it has plenty to keep you smiling and returning day after day. I would actually argue that this is perhaps the best 1000' vertical mountain I have skied in the US, and as someone who currently lives in the mid-Atlantic (sad, I know) I've skied a lot of small mountains.
My first run off the top of the mountain came down somewhere between Crater and the face, which is a huge wide-open above timberline-like area that is largely east-facing. It is reasonably steep and fantastic, you could ski just in that area all day long and be happy I am sure. Hoodoo's trail map doesn't show this well, by the way. Look at the mountain from Google maps or do a map image search. This small mountain has 360 degree skiing!
Check it out, I think you'll like it. I know I will be coming back.