4/3/24 -- All of the good stuff above up through April 2021. Free for 70+ (80+ since Alterra). Mild terrain, but nice. Shorter walk from the parking lot than Snow Summit. Snow seems to take longer during the day to turn to slush. Friendly people. Shorter drive than Big Bear. And then Big Bear bought it, and then Alterra bought it. Raised prices, added regulations, spent a bundle on the restaurant but cheaped out on the grooming -- the same things I complained about at Big Bear. Hard ridges between passes, holes left in the corduroy, serious chatter above 35 mph. Plenty of snow, so there's no excuse. Definitely downhill from what it was when it was a private company. I still go because it's free, but I wouldn't if I had to pay day-rates or buy a pass. I would never go on weekends -- they charge $20 for parking then. I've been skiing for 38 years and I'd hate to give it up, but I hate being ripped off.